Known as KHNG, pple rmbs my surname but not my name. Pathetic. Currently studying in TP, taking up aviation managment & services. Seems interesting, so i applied and went in. Typical girl who drools over pretty&hot guys. man utd's cristiano ronaldo and kat-tun's kamenashi kazuya are two of my favourites. Enjoyed sec sch life and hope poly life will be eventful too. at the moment, no plans but to complete the 3years studies in TP.
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Monday, September 24, 2007 // 10:26 PM
Well, met up with ex-colleagues and watched Death at a funeral together. Was pretty unsure what this movie is about, horror or comedy? And it turns out obvious during the beginning of the movie. Comedy! Pinned high hopes but nothing really cracks me up. Though during some parts of the movie, the nude body really made me interested. But, disappointment. LOL. Still, it produces a number of giggles here and there. As usual, I cant catch some of their conversations. No subtitles and sometimes, ang mohs speak really fast english. Hahah. Apparently, when i asked around, no one catches what they are talking about too.
Had supper with them and took cab back home since its already midnight. Nice catching up with them though. :D
Wednesday, September 05, 2007 // 12:34 AM
I've changed my blogskin! I was bored so I changed it. Not much time spent on that because all I need to do was copy and paste! that's my forte. LOL.
Holidays are boring. Well, I feel restless upon going out then I just drop the idea of going out. And mr paul's treat is postponed twice! I really doubt his willingness to treat us. hahah. So from vivo city, we're moving over to tampines' safra for his treat. It's on thurs. And i dont know whether I can make it. Gonna see how it goes, maybe it will be postpone again. whahah.
my mum is urging me to find a job to keep me occupy during this holiday. BUT i'm so so lazy. Duhs. Can I just waste my time in this holiday? Anyway, was having a tutorial lesson with my sis just now. On maggi mee! Lol. I was teaching her how to cook maggi mee. A 19 years old who dont even know how much water to add before cooking. GOD! Luckily she got such a wonderful sis who knows how. Hahah.